The Product Biz Podcast by Monica Little Coaching

Awaken your intuition with Jill Foubister

November 23, 2022 Monica Little Episode 27
The Product Biz Podcast by Monica Little Coaching
Awaken your intuition with Jill Foubister
Show Notes Transcript

Have you ever wondered what it really means to "listen to your intuition"? Or are you currently on a spiritual path, wondering how to take it one step further?

In this episode of The Product Biz Podcast, we'll be talking all things Intuition with Jill Foubister.

Jill Foubister is an Intuition Coach; she helps women awaken their intuition so they can manifest faster. She is a reiki master, yoga teacher and crystal expert. Her signature program is Raise Your Vibration and also leads intuition retreats in Sedona, AZ.


  • What it means to listen to your intuition and raise your vibration
  • How to let go and surrender in order to allow what's meant to be to unfold - while building trust that there are no mistakes
  • How awareness can help us identify our ego that's keeping us in our comfort zone - and how to flip it to take inspired action fueled by trust

When you finish listening, I'd love to hear your biggest takeaway from today’s episode. Take a screenshot of the episode you're listening to, share it to your Instagram stories and tag me @monicalittlecoaching - or send me a DM!​

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follow me so you can see behind the scenes of how I grew my handmade organic skincare small business to multiple six-figures... and how you can grow and scale your business, too.


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Follow Jill on Instagram: @jill_foubister

Learn more about the December 7th Awaken Your Intuition free workshop that Jill is holding at


Hello, and welcome to episode 27 of the product biz podcast. My name is Monica little, and I am so excited to introduce you today to my intuition coach or my personal intuition coach to talk about how to awaken your intuition. So have you ever wondered what it really means to listen to your intuition? Maybe you've heard people say that, but you just don't know what it actually means. Or maybe you're on a current spiritual path, wondering how to take it one step further. Well, in this episode, we will be talking all things intuition with Jill


Are you ready to go behind the scenes and learn what it really takes to create consistent sales each and every month with your handmade small business? Join me Monica little self taught multiple six figure small business owner and your product business coach, as I give you the insight and inspiration on how to better run your business and increase your sales in ways that you may not have even been aware of. So that your business and truly become what you knew it could be fact when you first start, learn how to let go of perfection, overcome the fear of failure that is holding you back. And finally, start taking action so that you walk away feeling like you've cracked the code on how to run a successful small business. You're listening to the product biz podcast, and gelatin intuition coach, she helps women awaken their intuition so they can manifest faster. She's a Reiki Master yoga teacher, Crystal experts, and she has her own intuition program called raise your vibration and she also leads intuition retreats in Sedona, super excited for this episode, you are going to learn so much information about intuition, ego awareness, meditation, just such a good overview of what spirituality really is and how to get started or how to take it one step further. So with that, I'm so excited for you to listen to what we have to share with you today in Episode 27 of the product boost podcast.


I am just so excited to have you as a guest talking all things intuition and raising your vibration today. Oh, my goodness, thank you, Monica, for having me. I am so excited to be here. You've honestly been someone that I've been wanting to reach out to to have on the podcast, because I talk a little bit about like meditation and intuition and just leaning into those components. But what I was thinking about like, who can I actually get on here who's like, well versed in talking about this and really bringing people up to speed on what intuition is. I was like Joe have to get chill out here. So I'm super excited to talk about like all this awesome stuff that really is underneath the surface of being a business owner. So what I want to do right off the bat, is ask a question as if someone like doesn't know anything about intuition. So if you are speaking to someone who has no idea what intuition is, or like what it means to really like raise your vibration or be in a good vibration. How would you define that in like the simplest terms for someone who's a total newbie on this topic? Okay, I love it. So we'll start with intuition. If you're brand new to intuition, and you're curious, and you already have this tug of okay, what is this? Have you ever had a feeling of? I know, I know. But I don't know how I know. But I know that I know. And that's probably the thought that you're probably having that knowing that openness, that trust, it's direct, and it's unbiased. That's intuition. And if you've ever been maybe in a you walk into a room, and all of a sudden, you just kind of feel the energy. You don't even know that you're feeling the energy, but you're having these thoughts and feelings of I feel like an argument just happened here. Oh, not really feeling like I like what's in here, but you can like cut the tension with a knife. You no one said anything. We feel it. And you just know. That's another form of intuition. This is all intuition. And we perceive it through our senses. Just like if I wanted to perceive an aura, so many people think, oh, or is this just a color, and so they get stuck in? Well, I want to see an aura but I don't see the color, but there's so many different levels, and we all perceive it in a different way. And that brings me to raising our vibration. When you raise your vibration if we just take this to the like basics here. raising your vibration is letting go and letting go isn't a loss. It's returning to who you are, who you truly are. And we do that by bringing more light into ourselves by letting go of the beliefs and the fear Hmm. So how does like raising your vibration


and your intuition how do those, those go hand in hand? Because it sounds like there's some different components. But obviously they Jive together, right? Yeah. So everything is connected, you're right, just like your, your business, you have your business, you got your personal life, those are separate, right, but at the same time underneath, it's all connected and the vision, like I get the way to show it as if you were to look at an island. And you look at the top of the island, and you see your palm tree, you see the sand, and it's surrounded by all the water, and underneath, underneath everything, it's all connected to the planet, right? To the earth. And that's the same with our intuition and raising our vibration bringing more light into our body. And when we bring more light into our body, we're standing in our personal power. And the more we stand in our personal power, the more we remember who we are, and it's a cycle, the more you remember who you are, the more you increase your frequency, and we want to increase our frequency, because that's how we increase and attract even more of the things we want. Oh my gosh, I love this so much. Because it's such a great way to paint the picture. For me, it's been so interesting, because like, all of this has underlying components of how you make progress in your business, right. So it's not just like in your life, which it's so important in that way too. But for me, especially over the past couple years, it's been really interesting to see how this also plays such a big part in building your business and growing your business and being able to like, lean into your intuition for either the things that you do or what you don't do, or like what really like calls you. So I want to hear from you specifically, like, Why does leaning into your intuition really matter? Or how can this really help with someone like on the business side? Or the personal side? What are some of like, the tangible benefits that you get once you're tuning into your intuition? Yeah, okay. So, for intuition, I see it as the catalyst to self growth, because we learn through an experience, and we are humans. And in the 3d, we learn through experience by taking action. So intuition, if I was to weave this into my business, which I do, and my personal life, because it's all connected, it's how I make decisions. So you have the choice, we have freewill, you always have the choice of making a decision based out of fear, or leading with your higher self, which is connected to your intuition. So you're making a choice in your business of how you show up the energy of all the actions behind the actions of how you show up and make decisions. Does that make sense? It's like, it's like the foundation. That's kind of like, that's how I show up. It's how I make my decisions. So would you say, when you're like, stuck with a decision, or when you have different ideas? Or when you're working on something? Is that where you use your intuition to guide you to like where you should be spending your time? Or if you're at a decision, like which route you should go. So is that something you lean into to help you make those decisions? Well, the first thing is, I noticed when,


because we're human, we all have our moments of overthinking, getting into our stuff, our noise, the thought of and I can totally speak for myself of all I don't know, if this is good enough, I'm gonna wait until I have all their certificates. I want to wait for it to be perfect before I get it out there. So when I'm if, if I'm showing up like that, I know that I'm not leading from my heart and trusting in myself. And I'm actually seeking external validation and I'm leading from fear, which gets into we are spiritual beings, having a human being experience. And leading with fear is the human part of us. And it's normal. It's always going to be there. That's okay. It's how can we live in harmony with that human part of us, the ego, and our higher self? And how can we work together to continue moving forward making decisions. And I also, I also really believe in this too. There are no mistakes. So let's say you're standing with two paths in front of you, and you don't know which one to do. But you know, you got to make a decision. And you decide, okay, I'm gonna go with this path. And then you realize, okay, that was a huge mistake. I shouldn't have hired this person. They mess up on all my products or whatever it is. They're your students are making they realize that, oh, I should have trusted my gut. I should have trusted my gut. That's a great opportunity to not see it as a mistake to actually reflect back of. I knew it all along. I knew I should have trusted my gut. Well, how did that information come in?


And before you made the decision that made you go with your tunnel or your ego, and you can backtrack there, and it's a lesson for you to then all you got to do is shift and go in a different direction. Okay, this is kind of a weird one. But I see everything, how it's all connected like a spiderweb.


Um, so if you're on a path, and you make a decision, and you're like, oh, yeah, that totally came out of fear. Because I was scared, I was coming from scarcity, not from abundance. And you make the decision to shift will because if you think we just have Halloween, so spider spider web.


Spider webs, like, all of a sudden, I'm going to make that shift. Well, what happens to the spider web, it's still all connected, but things have to change. And things kind of get in your way. And now you're, you're starting to doubt yourself, second guess.


And the universe throw something in front of you. But the only way to get through it, is to actually go through it. You can't go around it, you have to face it head on. And to lead it with, I know that everything is being put in front of me for my highest good. Yeah. Oh, my gosh, so much good stuff. So one thing I want to dive into that you said, because this is interesting to hear, and you explain it, and I'm thinking back to what was I really struggling with when I first started hearing about intuition and learning more about this. And it's super interesting that you said there's no mistakes, because when I really started diving into intuition, I remember trying so hard to listen to my intuition and like, Okay, let me see which way I'm guided. And I was putting so much pressure on it. And then because I was putting so much pressure on it, if I didn't make the right choice, like you said, I would kind of beat myself up or be like, Why did that happen? I really thought this was going to be the right choice. But I love how you said Marco, this whole spiritual side of life running a business, getting to like know yourself better is understanding that there's no mistakes, even if you think it's quote unquote, the wrong path, or you make a quote unquote, mistake, it's really something that you're going to learn from or grow with. And it's just going to help you along the way, no matter which way you go. Exactly. And that's what I see it as like little gems, like a, like a video game. I do not play video games. But if I played video games, I would see it as like little magical gems. And yeah, of course, I have moments of like, oh, man, I shut up, I, ah, you know, we've we've all experienced that. And then what can happen and have your emotions, but know that you're not your emotions, instead of saying, like, I'm so angry, you can shift it to, oh, I have anger, which makes it so you're not attached. So then you're not having feelings on top of feelings, and you're judging your own feelings. And now you're getting mad at yourself for being mad. Because what that does is it separates you from that emotion. And you realize it's just an emotion, motion of energy that I'm experiencing. And another way to put this is if you were to look at the ocean, and you see a wave coming, and the wave represents your emotions, the wave is not the ocean, the wave is merely energy moving through the ocean, and you allow it to write its course, because we can't stop the motion. It just comes through and, okay, I'm done. I love how you said like noticing, okay, this is anger, you don't say I'm angry. But saying like, this is anger that I experience. And I love how you said really acknowledging that kind of like disassociating because then essentially, that goes into the conversation to have here are your emotions that you're like being aware of and understanding why they're coming up. But also it goes into that awareness of like, your fears, and your doubts and like other things that are coming up and other scenarios. And earlier you mentioned like fear and ego. And that was like such a huge turning point for me.


In the podcast, yeah. Like realizing that fear is essentially just like your ego, trying to keep you safe. It's not actually helping, you know, it's, it's helping you stay in your comfort zone, which really isn't good for anyone if you do want to grow and expand. So talk to me a little bit more about like, ego and


and what that is, okay, so ego is part of our reptilian brain, which is the oldest part of our brain, and it's like a program. It is not. It is a program and is programmed to keep you safe. It's not programmed to seek out the abundance, or all the joy in the world. It is designed by the first seven years you've already played out and programmed it. So you're a little sponge in the first seven years of your life and you are making all these interpretations. So I'm gonna take you back to let's say, I'll do I'll use myself because I love speaking from experience. I remember speaking up in first


Great. So I'm like my son's age, like six years old.


And I got an answer wrong. And I was so like,


and so I internalized it by Oh, I shouldn't speak up. And how many times have I taken that throughout my entire life of like, not wanting to speak up and have a voice. So to bring this back to ego, ego is very separate intuition. If we talked about in the beginning, unity, we're all one. So ego is going to do everything to protect you to keep you inside your comfort zone, it's going to have the thoughts of, oh, no, that's too dangerous, I can't step forward to do that, oh, I'm not going to Launch the program, oh, I'm not going to invest in a new coach or a program, I'm going to just stay nice and safe. Ego, though, it keeps us in the comfort zone, we don't want to hate our ego at the same time, to actually live in harmony, we actually need to love it and appreciate it. Also, ego does come in handy when it comes to I'm on Kajabi. And I'm working on my members portal and trying to figure out and follow the directions and how to upload my latest video and get it on to Kajabi. I need my ego for that. So the ego is not 100% back, we just want to make sure we're not leading from ego. And we're leading from our heart heart center. So when I did my shadow work of looking back and discovering Oh, one of the reasons I like I have a hard time of speaking up was because of something that happened when I was six years old. And so I carried that all the way into my like 20s and 30s. And was making decisions up No, no, I'm not going to speak up and speak my truth. And that was ego leading its way. But it didn't do it in a harmful hurtful trying to hurt me. It's doing it because it wants to keep you safe. Hey, this one time, when you were six, and you spoke up, you got something wrong. And I know you don't want to experience embarrassment. So we're gonna, we're gonna make sure that you don't have those moments again. And that's why when we bump up against the edge of our comfort zone, those moments show up. Have those thoughts of Oh, no, no, no, I can't do that. Oh, I don't know, it would if it doesn't work. What if I'm not good enough? I don't know if I can do that. Again. Those thoughts are coming from experiences that we have. So when that bumps up, and you feel it. I like to think of it as like a little demon that goes off to remind myself like, Oh, hey, hey, ego, it's okay, receive, I'm safe to do this. In fact, this is actually going to help us. And that's a way that I shift out of leading with my tunnel my ego and going into my higher self, and trusting and then that way I'm living in unity, not separate. It's like how do people get to the point where they can really be so aware of if it is their ego? Or if it is their intuition? Because that's something I used to struggle with too. Because sometimes when you get this feeling of like, no, no, don't do that. It can be taken as like, you know, this is this is truly keeping me safe. Like this is a bad idea. I shouldn't do this. But then there's this fine line between like, that actually being a bad idea versus maybe you just kind of like staying in your comfort zone, right? So how does someone really start to differentiate or maybe like lean more into the into their intuition when they have situations where is bumping up against their comfort zone? What's what's the best way to like, be aware or to really work through those types of situations, I would actually just go to moments of just breathing and focus on your breath, and slow down, because the mind is racing. And if we can just slow down and be in the present moment. Because so much of what's going on in our mind is we're pulling our past and dragging it into the future. So if you can just be in the present moment, because when you're right here, right now, the only thing that's happening right now is just you and I talking


and it's peaceful, and everything's, everything's lovely. So you just stay with your breath. And when you breathe, you're actually signaling to your body that you're safe. And when we get all tense and tight. That's another way of showing that we're bumping up against our ego internal. So deep breaths and not just breathing from the chest. It's actually breathing all the way down until like our sacred like, deep, full belly breaths. I actually started to go on to physical therapy when I was in Chicago, and I don't know if I was telling you but I've mentioned my physical therapist on a podcast a couple of times.


And that's one of like the very first things that we did because he's also like a Reiki Master and a shaman and a healer. So not only is it physical therapy, but it's also like the spiritual woowoo stuff, which I love. One of the first things that we did in my session with him, it was like deep belly breathing. And I didn't realize that all of my breath is so high up in my chest, and super shallow and super, like, just short breaths coming from here. And I even noticed this sometimes on the podcast where I'm like, trying to keep up with my breath. So super interesting, one of the first things that he did with me, and he's like, put your hand on your belly and actually feel your belly rising when you're breathing. And I'm like, Whoa, I've never actually done that before. Like, you don't realize how much it really is up in your chest. But you were saying, that's one of the ways to like really calm the body down. Yeah. Because when you do full body breaths, you're signaling to your body that you're safe, we actually begin to breathe all the way down, like diaphragm ik breathing, then what begins to happen is we're going to feel the emotions. And we're going to move the stagnant energy that we've trapped in our body. So if you start to take the full belly breaths, it's going to move the energy. And what happens when a baby is born, when you're born, you do full body breathing. And if you've ever seen even just a newborn cry, it is the entire body is in it. And as we grow up, and as and through our use, and the way we learn to protect ourselves, is creating walls. And we become shallow with our breathing. And it's not that we forget to breathe, we just aren't, we just don't want to feel. And so we stopped the full breathing. It's so crazy how so much of this stuff really has all these like ties to childhood right at all. Like our ego. And our fears are all based from childhood. I remember when I first heard that I was just like, wow, like, number one that makes a lot of sense.


That come up, because I think about my childhood. I think you and I have talked about this before of like, how I got a lot of love when I was doing good things. So my mom, for example, would give me a lot of praise when I was like six years old, and she would come home and I organized the basement, like what could my six year old does that. But that really led to like how I am now in terms of time worth to doing the right thing or success. But it's so crazy once you start to really explore how your childhood and like you said zero to six years old how the things that happen, then really impact so much of your adult life. And that was just mind blowing to really uncover that and feel like, even me, I'm like, I'm always discovering new things that come up for me. And I'm always going to be a student and learning more about myself until the day I cross. Yeah. And that's one thing I love about like intuition and meditation and like raising your vibration, it's basically getting to know yourself better. Yes, the journey of going within. And it is it's remembering who you are and how powerful you are. And I think so often, we forget, we forget how powerful we are and the things that we can create, and that everything we want to create is already within us. And we just have to activate it. And we have to just like choose to turn the notch up. Because all of us. And intuition is something everyone's born with. It is not something where it's like, oh, I'm gifted LaBella. Here are the tools and then you can learn it. It's like, No, we're all born with this. And there is somewhere, maybe in your family, you had someone who kept the doors open and encouraged it. Or you had someone who was like, oh, no, no, that's not a thing. It's just a dream, you only had a dream, it wasn't real. And so the doors get closed. And so really is going back to our youth and remembering it is within us. And it's a muscle. And we practice it every day, just like going to the gym. I'm really glad you said that too. Because that's another thing that I used to struggle with is just thinking, you know, other people are so much more in tune than I am or I'm never gonna get there. But there's really so many awesome ways to lean into your intuition. And I know we talked about breathing and really like slowing down. But can you let us know any other tips you would share to really lean in and be able to listen more to your intuition? Yeah. Okay. So the first thing I would say is if you're listening to this podcast, and you've carved out time to actually listen to this, you're already listening to your intuition, because there was something inside you. And you're like, Oh my God, I want to learn more about this. I kind of feel tied to listen to this. Oh, something's calling me to this. And to honor that because that is your intuition that's already leading you


To this, so take a moment already to be like, Oh, I do have intuition. You're right. So I do have it now how can we turn the notch up. So I'm like, activate this. So I can really be open and sensitive to receiving more, well, then we can create the intention, it is, I can give you all the tools. But one of the most powerful tools, in my opinion, is intention. Just telling yourself, hey, this is something I want to activate. And I want to learn more, and slowing down and just listening.


And really just allow that intention to flow and also honoring that it is already within you and that you are that frequency. And to be that frequency to bring it in. Yeah. And that's something I want to talk about too, about, like being in the frequency. Because one thing that I love that you share, and you talk about is not only like the spiritual side of leaning into your intuition, and really focusing on raising your vibration and your frequency. But also there's the flip side of it of you actually still have to take action, right. It's not just be like, sit there Kumbaya and like hope and pray that all of a sudden, we have a Mercedes Benz at the front of our door.


But I love how you pair those two. So talk me through how will taking action really fits in this puzzle piece? Absolutely. Okay, I don't know where this I have seen it so much the people. And it's cool, hey, I'm not here to ever live you ever. But from my experience sitting on the couch, and just having a daydream that


million dollars appears just like that. So it doesn't exactly work that way. We do live in a 3d reality. Like I said, we're spiritual beings having a human being experience. And part of that human being experience in the 3d is actions. And if we look at our actions, we have to look at the energy also behind the action. So I know a lot of people who probably listen to your podcast, they have an Etsy shop, and they're probably going to post on their Instagram, or they're going to send out an email for the holidays that's coming up. Well, when they're sending out that holiday, what's the energy behind that email? Are they there? They take the action and they send the email, but the energy behind it? Is it oh, I don't know if this is good enough? Or is it? This is enough? I know that someone is going to resonate with this, and they have trust in it, which is a inspired action. And it's not an action also coming from lack. So Oh, yeah, you got me when we take the action, it creates clarity, and it's not clarity creates actions, like let me get clear, then I'll take the action. Oh, no, let's just take an action, that's when a little bit of the fog clear. So you can see where you're going to take the next step. And that's literally how I how I do. That's basically how I do all my stuff. I'm like, I'm not really sure where this is going to lead. But I trust that the path will get me there. And all I do is just take, take another step, and just keep taking steps. And I I surrender. And that's another big one, too, is surrendering, and letting go of the control of needing to see how the entire path is going to turn out. Because my opinion is if, if I knew and I reflect back on how the path was gonna look, I probably wouldn't have taken path. Because it's like it. It's all over the place, right.


So yeah, just trust each set, and you gotta take action. And that's, that's where the real magic happens. The way I like to see it is you have your comfort zone. If I drew a circle, you are inside your comfort zone. And if you take just that little step, just on the other side, everything you want is waiting right there. Everything you want is waiting for you on the other side of fear.


And this is why I love like talking about intuition with you because people hear like intuition and maybe some of the woowoo stuff and it might seem to out there, what do you think about it, take action, surrender, let go of control and trust that nothing's gonna happen, how it's supposed to happen. Like, that's extra, like practical ways of how to make that come down. Exactly. And I know when I talk about manifesting intuition, it's your answer, right? When with some people, they see it as like magic wand, and it's like way up here and it's like, okay, wait, hold on. We live 3d. Let's bring it down here. But how can you also access like five d and really hone in and live in harmony with both because we are here in the physical world, and we have to own that. Yeah. So it's definitely like the


Physical World side of it. But there's also, you know, there is fun stuff on other side too, which is like, super woowoo. And I get into all that. And one thing that I learned from you is, like so much about crystals. And I remember one of our conversations about crystals how you said, like, you know what, if you have a crystal, make sure you clear it with sage, but actually given an assignment. And that was one thing that I learned from you. And it was so crazy. I had this black obsidian crystal, which helps with emotions. But I remember after we chatted, I was like, Okay, I'm gonna give us an intention of just me noticing when it's truly my emotion, or if it's someone else's, that I'm picking up in the room, because I realized I was getting like, super swayed from if my husband was anxious, or if I was where my family and there was tension that I was absorbing it. But that's where the really fun will part comes in. Because after we talked about that, and actually gave that crystal that intention, it was so crazy, I would be with my husband, for example, we were packing to go on a trip and all of a sudden, I started to feel anxious. I was like, Wait, is that really my anxiety? Or am I just like picking it up from him, and it was this random thought they would just pop in. And I'd be like, wow, like that crystal in my pocket really is like working in helping me to notice this stuff. So it's fun, how we can talk about more of the practical stuff, but also where it gets really magical. Yeah, as you know. And in my program, we we build a toolbox and you get to pull from the toolbox. And one of my favorite tools, I have been working with crystals, oh my goodness, I would say consistently working and programming crystals since 2011. So I love working with them from manifesting stuff to protecting my energy. And like you said, when you hone in on your intuition, you become so open, that you also have to become aware, is this my energy or someone else's. And you have to also learn how to protect your energy. So you're not thinking, like you were saying with your husband or packing or with in laws or anything like that, like, you might feel their stuff, but to understand, oh, that's theirs, not mine. And you don't have to get mad about it. You don't have to do anything. It's just like, oh, that's what I was picking up on. Okay. And we don't have to judge it. We don't have to shame it won't go anywhere. It's just like, oh, that's just not mine. And that's been the biggest thing for me on intuition journey. And learning a lot of this from you is just awareness. Having that different perspective across the board. I feel like so much of what we talked about today really comes down to awareness, being aware of what emotions you mind picking up from others, being aware of when you're on that edge of the comfort zone and about to take that step. So it's really interesting how a lot of this work just really helps you kind of take a step back and be more of like observing what's going on instead of really reacting to everything that's thrown at us every single second of every single day. Absolutely. I'm all about being the observer, which is what meditation is, it's so much more than what, what I think the pictures of just someone sitting, you know, in Lotus Pose, which is how we learn to meditate. But can we take it beyond that, and actually be the observer throughout our entire day instead of the reactor because when we're in reaction mode, we're giving our personal power away, we're leaking energy. I love that distinction. It's not just sitting there, it's actually being in that state all day.


That's something that definitely is a little challenging, but it is. And another way you can also do it, which I love doing this as well, which will really open your perception is if you go through your day, as if you're in a dream UI as if right now we're in a dream and you walk around, be the observer like that, and watch how things will shift. Watch and notice how you feel and shift. And it's truly as if like you're no longer looking at the world you're seeing it. And it's really cool. I love that, that in itself. To do that for a full day would be so eye opening. Just sort of like being stuck in the things that we do getting caught up to actually just be like, Oh, what if I'm just this is a dream dream? Yeah. Like, I love it. I love it. Okay, so a couple other things that I wanted to ask you really quick. So what really got you started and where Where did your passion originate for all this amazing stuff, intuition, meditation, spiritual crystals, raising vibration, where did all that passion come from such a great question. And I have actually been trying to like find my story of like, Where was the definitive point? I don't know if I have a specific mo


Man, I was raised in a house where my mom kept the door open. And every single morning, it was what you dream about what you dream about. So the door was already open to dream interpretation, getting to really understand dreams. And in dreams, I was like, Oh, I was visited by this. And oh, I saw. And I was already open to that, because of my mom, and I appreciate that from her so much. And then


it was probably in junior high. When I was in the seventh grade, there was something I talked about this at the retreat, there was something I really wanted to manifest and the way it unfolded. I mean, I could tell I could share the story. So I already had the door open and was already connected. But I didn't know how to always be connected to intuition or source. I use the word intuition, but I don't think I use the word source. And I knew like, oh, we have guides, and we have angels, but I wasn't sure how to communicate. And I'd have moments of like, oh, my gosh, I just I heard them. And they'll be little things. But then it disappears, and it's gone. And it's like, how do you get it? How can you stay connected all the time. And as an 11 year old girl in seventh grade, any 11 year old would be back in the early early 2000s. I was the biggest fan of the Olsen twins, right? Yeah, this is a good one. I love it.


I was a huge teeny bopper fan. And as any teenybopper I wanted to meet them, because I idolized them. And I thought it was their biggest fan. So I'm at Barnes and Noble. And it's late at night. So it's probably seven o'clock, well, late for 11 year old, like, seven 730. And there's no one in the preteen section, or even in the children's section. And I'm in the aisle. And all of a sudden, I know oh, we're about to, we're waiting for a movie to start. So I know it's time to go ahead and meet up with my parents. So I, I turn around and I leave to go meet my parents who's in a different section in Barnstable. They didn't just leave me there.


And something false and I heard it. And I'm I have my back to it. And I hear a voice that says turn around. And in that moment, I had two choices. I could dismiss it or turn around. And I was curious. So I turned around, and there was a book on the floor.


There was no one around me there. The whole like children preteen section was empty. And it was halfway down the aisle like what the heck, I walk over there. And I pick up the book. And it's a book of Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. And it said to have a kind, and I'm over here going, wait a minute what I'm like the biggest fan, they have books, like I didn't even know they had books. And I do anybody does when you pick up a book, I've flashed all the way to the last page. And then on the last page, it said sail with the stars and meet the Olsen twins. Oh my gosh. And of course, I'm running to my parents now holding this book. And this whole time what's going through my mind, not only my little three teen 11 year old self was like, I want to meet them. The other part was her oh my god, I created that. I heard the voice. And that really got me curious of like, how do I continue to tap into this? Because I created this moment. And full story short? Yes, we went on that cruise. Yes, it was amazing. I met the Olsen twins, loving your old self achievement. I was happy. But going back to that. And that's also another way we want to tie this back in is taking action. Now. The book fell off the shelf, I took the action to listen to what I heard and listen to my intuition with faith and trust turned around. And I picked up the book and I made the action of saying something speaking up. Now obviously it was my parents were like this sounds amazing. We get to go to the Baltic Sea or go.


But that really opened doors and I then started obsessing and reading every book of how the heck did I hear that voice? How can I connect even more to it? How can I tap into it and it won't be just some time. It's like I'm connected all the time. And I felt really guided in that moment. And I found myself in Barnes and Noble not in the preteen section anymore in the section at this time early to Oh man, this had to be like 2001 It was called the New Age section. And there was only maybe 10 books if that there was barely anything that they had


had on those shelves. Oh, and then it went from New Age to self help. Now it's called like, self transformation. And there's a lot of witchcraft stuff in it. So I'm not really sure how that all intertwine. But


yeah, that's really how I would say my story got started was I just, I wanted more. And then who you met Jen Finley, she came into our lives when I was like 2021 Oh, man, maybe even younger than that. And she was going through Reiki and she got my whole family, we all got our Reiki Masters together. From that, I then went into becoming a yoga teacher. And then from there, I became a mom and started working with a shaman. So it has been my my path. And though I've gone all over, it's always been something within me that was always calling me. And I heard different stories from you to how throughout your entire life, you've been able to lean into that and like manifest different things. Oh, you don't like seeing the Olsen twins. But like,


so many crazy examples. It's so amazing to hear and see other people really into this and to learn from them and and like, see how we can do it ourselves too. But I love how you mentioned a couple of different things today about how to really lean into your lean into your intuition. We talked about meditation, we talked about setting intentions, we talked about awareness. And I obviously took your course raise your vibration, and I loved it. And like you said, we learned so many tools of how to just lean into the intuition and raise your vibration and really work on like that component of uncovering what's already been there. But I would love for you to share a little bit more about where people can find you and what your program is like for everyone who's listening. Yeah, oh, I'm so excited. So actually, we're gonna be opening the doors really soon as she wrote down the date, so I don't forget and give you wrong dates.


Okay, so I'm actually going to be hosting a free workshop on Wednesday, December 7. And this is going to be awaken your intuition because I want you to realize and have access that you're already intuitive. And then inside our program, raise your vibration coaching program, you are with me for six weeks, and I don't want you to just see it as six weeks. I want you to see this as a journey. And each week we'll build on each other and in there, we're going to call more light into our body, we'll learn how to communicate with our guides, we learn to feel more connected to source and you also each week build a toolbox to pull from when life happens because life does happen. We have things that happen and how can we still leave from our heart and when those crazy things take place like my father passed away when I first launched the program, and really got to put the tools to use so I can speak that it works through birth and death that so no matter what is going on in your life, okay, so the doors will open Monday, December 12 to the 15th and then we go into the holidays so we won't actually start until January 3 will be our first official call. But I'll give you a tool to use while you are going through the craziness of holidays being around in laws being around nonstop parties events, or maybe you're like no I'm just going to take it nice and quiet this holiday season I love that is starting on January 3 Like that's a perfect New Year's resolution I want to be more in tune and really be able to listen to my intuition and live 2023 and onwards from the into that oh my gosh that's so I'm I'm so excited that way we can really start the year strong and create that foundation of trust trusting in your own personal power and own it increases quality want. I am just like such a big fan raise your vibration was such an awesome program. And just one thing to say is I know we've talked about like a lot of different components we started pretty high level we dove deep back up. So like we've talked about so many things but one thing I appreciated about your program so much is no matter where someone is on their spiritual journey if they're super, super new, or if they you know are meditating and have some experience in that. No matter where they stand. Your program just helps build that concrete solid foundation of what you need to know what tools you have in your back pocket. And it was such an amazing six weeks. So I know I've always tell you how much I loved it but I just want to say on the podcast for the record to


you oh my gosh. Thank you. I really appreciate that. It was so much fun having you through the program and


I've seen because you're on all the calls, and you showed up. And you also really applied it for yourself, you showed up, not just on the calls you showed up for yourself. And like that transformation alone was huge, huge. We got to meet in Sedona and like, all together in like a real life that was so fun. When the doors open on Monday, December 12, between the 12th and the 15th, you will also have the option to just go through just raise your vibration, or you can also sign up for the retreat, we're going to do another two day retreat in Sedona, and I have guest speakers that I'm bringing on and I'm bringing in someone new that I'm so excited also, and all that will be be released, we're just locking in the retreat location, which will be the same place in the magical house. Oh, my goodness. So Sedona is like so magical. That's where there's so much energy and so much going on. So it's a perfect place to have a retreat. And I talked about the retreat a little bit on the podcast and raved about how much I loved it. And I've mentioned your name a couple of times, too. Like there's one quote that you posted on Instagram that I started an episode with, I think it was a quote of like, if you're not grateful for the small signs from the universe, like don't expect the big ones. I'm excited that people actually got to hear you and get to know you super excited for your free webinars. I think that's awesome for anyone who, like you said has it tug towards learning more about intuition, I will make sure to add that to the show notes so people can register and attend and


so fun. Anything else you want to share. Before we wrap up today, just one more fun high vibe tip too if you want to awaken your intuition, after even just setting that intention, or you want to set the intention with a crystal, one of my favorite crystals to work with is amethyst. And I always suggest amethyst, because you can get it anywhere. It's so easily accessible, that you're not having to go from a crystal shop to a crystal, you will find it in any crystal shop. And to program that crystal first you want to clear it and you're going to want to program it using your own intuition trusting yourself and putting the intention of I want to start communicate with my guides and really awaken my intuition and get started on that journey. And then send me a DM that you have gotten your crystal and you've already started. Oh my gosh. I love it. And what's your Instagram handle for people to send you a DM? Yes, Jill underscore fu mr. F ou b i s t e r i know i took my husband's last name. It's a little bit harder than Wedmore to spell.


Thank you so much Jill, so much fun chatting with you about intuition, vibration, all of this amazing spiritual stuff and how it ties into business and life and day to day. It's been such a pleasure to have you on the practice podcast and thank you so so oh my gosh, Monica, thank you. I really appreciate it. This was so fun.


Thank you so much for hanging out with me here inside the product biz podcast. If you love this episode, don't forget to subscribe and to leave a five star review. And if you're interested in learning more about product biz Academy my signature group coaching program for handmade small business owners like you who are looking to create consistent online sales with their business, then go to the product biz to join the waitlist. Yours are currently closed but you'll be first notified when they reopen. Thank you so much and I'll see you on the next episode of the product biz podcast.


intuition, ego, started, breathing, crystal, podcast, vibration, connected, leading, decision, emotions, moments, talked, learn, action, people, feel, raise, program, Olsen twins