The Product Biz Podcast by Monica Little Coaching

4 TOP traits of highly successful people... that you can learn from being a beginner

Monica Little

Most small business owners only have FUN in their business when they are GOOD at what they are working on – when it comes easy, when they see success quickly, when they see results easily, when they feel they are the best of the best at it.

Can you relate? Do you naturally have a shitty time when you are bad at something or are learning something new and it DOESN’T come easy to you?

Well, let me ask you this… How much more likely would you see results if you had fun with the skills you were shitty at, so you kept at them and actually enjoyed the process and finally became good at them to the point that it led to results?

Business is a lot like sports. And when you play a sport, you usually start out as a beginner and work your way to expect status while having fun along the way. But most business owners look at their business in the complete opposite way.

Today you’re going to learn some of the top lessons from being an all-star high school sports benchwarmer and how these lessons translate into being a SUCCESSFUL small business owner.

During today’s episode, we’ll chat about:
- How to leave everything at the door when you step foot on the court
- How to show up every day, even IF you aren’t “good” at what you are working on, UNTIL you get better
- How to be a team player and cheer others on even when things AREN’T going your way
- How to have FUN with your evolution – rather than only having fun when you are good at something – even if you are a type A perfectionist
- How to get back to foundations when you lose a game

Sign up for the May 20th free live training: How to Create a Thriving Handmade Business WITHOUT Relying on Markets