The Product Biz Podcast by Monica Little Coaching

The simplest hack to get comfortable talking on your Instagram stories for more sales

Monica Little

What’s the main reason why you DON’T talk on your stories consistently?

Is it because you don’t like the sound of your voice and cringe to hear it when you playback what you posted… and you wonder what others will think about your voice, too?

Is it because it literally takes hours to get the PERFECT 60 second clip to post on your stories… and it frustrates you to spend that much time to get it right?

Is it because you don’t know what to say and are worried about being judged by others for not saying the right thing?

During today’s episode, I share with you a simple and FUN hack to get you comfortable with showing up on your Instagram stores. And this is a hack that I even recently started to do, to make showing up on Instagram easier and easier for me (even after years of already being front and center on IG!) And believe it or not, talking about your products is how you can sell more products. So, the sooner you get comfortable and confident talking loud and proud about your products on social media, the sooner you will make more money! And here's how you can make it easier on your starting today.